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Tim Schmidt - A Life in a Day.

Tim Schmidt is an Associate at Laurence Simons.

By Tim Schmidt

Tim assists with a variety of international search work from a business support standpoint, including building due diligence reports, formatting client documentation and providing further support to the consultants and other talent acquisition team members.

Tim shares his average day, interests, and hobbies in this instalment of' Life in the Day'.

Tim Schmidt - A Life in a Day.
Tim Schmidt - A Life in a Day.

What is your daily morning routine?

The very first thing I do in the morning is drink a coffee and then get ready. Then I drive to a town a few minutes outside Frankfurt, park my car there and travel by public transport to the university or the office, usually eating a snack on the way. Most mornings are a bit hectic because I drive quite a long distance to Frankfurt, and traffic is heavy, especially during rush hour. Sometimes I work from home, particularly during the learning periods just before exams, and the mornings start a little easier when I'm working from home.

What is your Laurence Simons office like?

The office is centrally located in downtown Frankfurt and is therefore quite easy to reach by public transport. We have quite a lot of space in the office itself, and as a sociable person, I like to share the office with my colleagues. Hence, it never gets boring, and the open plan helps with internal team communication. We also have a great view of our office garden.

How did you come to be an Associate in Business Support at Laurence Simons?

From the beginning, I wanted to work during my studies and gain relevant work experience. A friend of mine, a recruiter himself, thought that the field of recruitment would be a good fit for me. That's why I seriously looked into it and started searching for a job during my first semester.

My first contact with Nico, our German Director, came about through my older brother, who had already worked with Nico and Alex during his time as a working student. Since I would also like to work in this sector after my studies, I was very happy when Nico offered me the job after our initial conversation and a trial day.

What does your role encompass?

My role in Business Support is mainly to provide support to Nico and Alex and the other consultants and Talent Acquisition and Delivery members across the Laurence Simons offices. Of course, we support each other in the Business Support Team, especially with large tasks.

My daily tasks include the management of our CRM tool, the preparation of due diligence reports or candidate summaries, and candidate mapping as well.

What projects are you currently working on?

We are currently working on expanding the compliance department of a German company in the automotive sector and filling a position as a corporate and commercial lawyer for a German company in the chemicals sector.

Who do you work most closely with?

I work primarily with the Business Support team based in London and my colleagues from Frankfurt, Nico and Alex. 

What do you enjoy about your work?

Besides the recurring daily work, there are always new tasks, so it never gets boring. I particularly enjoy working with colleagues in a professional and international environment.

How do you socialise with the team?

Nico, Alex and I occasionally go out for a meal or a few drinks. I have also been to London with Nico and had the opportunity to meet the team at our Head Office in person.

How do you spend time out of work, and what are your main hobbies and passions?

I always did a lot of sports as a child and teenager. I've played football for around 10 years, but I also tried other sports. I go to the gym regularly and ride my road bike from time to time. Recently, I joined a rowing club in Frankfurt. It's harder than it looks, but it's a lot of fun. 

I also like to travel, but I haven't been able to go on a trip recently. Last year I visited with my uncle in Virginia, USA. From there, we visited the cities of New York and Las Vegas. We also went to the Grand Canyon, which was really special!

What are you currently looking forward to?

My exams are coming up soon, so I'll be focusing on that over the next few weeks.

Can you tell us a little more about where you live?

I was born in Frankfurt but grew up in a village around 50km northeast of Frankfurt. It’s a nice place, and I still live here. A forest surrounds it with a little lake and old castle ruins.

What are your favourite places in your hometown?

I really enjoy cycling in the forests that surround the village. I also like the small lake, where you can swim or fish.

Do you have any recommendations?

If you're visiting, you should definitely go and enjoy the natural scenery, especially the forests.